Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's Taken Me All Day...

To determine what I really want to say about this new year.

Or, perhaps, the hard part has been determining what I don't want to say about the old one...

We're still here. 

I am a truth teller... and a realist... and I like who God created me to be.  I haven't arrived yet, and that's OK.

I often think of my Mammaw on New Year's Day and her wise words.  She thought that what we did on January 1st set the tone for the coming year.  I hope she was right, because after ringing in the New Year with friends and then heading home with my wonderful family, I slept in and woke up happy.

If I spend this year snuggling Caleb and Miah while watching home videos, and listening to Grace play the piano, and sneaking pizza with Seth when no one else is looking, and watching Ian race switch and go dinosaurs across the kitchen floor, and hugging my husband; it will be a good year.  I do hope I don't make a habit of putting Seth's cell phone through the washing machine, but, ya know, there's no such thing as a perfect day.

I have a few things yet to do today...

And so, we begin again...

 Start Well... Finish Strong...