I'd rather be rockin' with Toby Mac tonite...
Wish I was there...
Following are the lyrics for "You Alone"
You are the only one I need
I bow all of me at Your feet
I worship You alone
You have given me more than
I could ever have wanted and
I want to give you my heart and my soul
You alone are Father
You alone are good
You alone are Savior
You alone are God
I'm alive I'm alive
I'm alive I'm alive
I exalt thee
I exalt thee
I exalt thee
Oh, God
1 comment:
Hey Lisa! I haven't talked to you in a really really long time! I am just here once again at school in the library, not yet really doing any school work... see I just spread out about a billion and a half articles all over the table and set up my computer to make myself feel as though I am doing work, and others walking by think the same thing.. heh... and really all the while I am checking email and posting on Xanga... I could have done this at home! haha really I am gonna get started though... oh, my thesis topic... I've actually begun writing it... 2 pages single spaced so far, and my advisor said what I have is good so far, which is an added bonus! My topic is a little difficult to explain but basically my title explains it... "the impact of parental gender stereotyped beliefs on adolescent mental health"... basically I am saying that there are certain factors that lead to the development of depression, anxiety, and deviance, a lot of which overlap, and I am wondering if gender stereotyped beliefs influence the outcomes for adolescents. Let me know what you think :)
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