Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Monday, January 26, 2009

Slip and Slides...

... Are supposed to be for Summer!

Yesterday was... well... interesting. We have had a scheduled "pitch in" dinner/meeting on the calendar for some weeks now, but to tell you truth, I kinda forgot about it until Phil said, "Hey... what are we bringing for the pitch in dinner"... as we were pulling out of the driveway for church... oops...

Now, if you read about my recent casserole experience, you probably know that pitch in dinners are not... let's say... a strength for me. It's not that I can't cook! As a matter of fact, I cook... and bake... pretty well. I like having people over for dinner. And, in fact, I can almost never think of anything they should bring when they ask. I can plan a meal... Unfortunately, I can't think of a thing when I am supposed to just "bring a dish to pass". In fact, I must admit that I have shown up for many such dinners with absolutely nothing... and not just because I forgot. I just didn't know what to bring!

Well... anyway... I decided I probably ought to offer something up yesterday, so after I finished my half of the kid's worship time, I got my coat on... took Phil's credit card... and snuck out the door to make a quick run to Kroger...

I had no idea that we were parked on a huge patch of ice, because it had been snowing, so that lovely, fluffy, white stuff was hiding the ice pretty well. In fact, it was hiding it so well that I completely lost my footing and landed with a rather remarkable sized thud, nearly sliding under the van that was parked next to us! And it hurt! Thankfully, no one was there to see this...

I brushed myself off and drove to Kroger... where I picked up some cold chicken strips and croissants, because there wasn't a real good selection to choose from... oh... and a disposable oven pan thing to throw the chicken in to warm it up...

I drove back to the church... snuck back into the kitchen (although I was seen by at least several people, so I'm not real sure you can call it sneaking)... and threw the Kroger chicken in the oven and the croissants in a bowl... mission accomplished...

I am very sore today... and grouchy... but amazingly enough I do not appear to be bruised! In fact, it is the left side of me that hurts the most, even though it was the right side of me that hit the hardest... go figure... I think I jammed my whole body! Thank goodness for Tylenol!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you got the chicken.....that gave ben something to eat!! hope you're feeling better!!