Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Uh... That Was Scary...

So I was working on ordering Caleb's birthday pictures today when I realized that the rest of my house was way too quiet...

I stepped out into the living room and found Grace reading a book, which is usually a good sign, because she is a pretty responsible kid and keeps tabs on Ian, and Ian doesn't tend to stray very far from her side when I am not in the room...

Except then I heard Ian from what seemed like very, "far, far away," as he would say. At this point I realized that he was upstairs, which is getting more common as he masters the childproof devices, but I don't really like to find him up there if I don't know that's where he's gone. I trekked up the stairs...

And there I found Ian at my closed bedroom door, kinds shaking...

It took me just a moment to realize that he was cold, because he was soaking wet from head to foot. It took me just another moment to realize that the shower was running...

My 2 year old took a shower... by himself... completely clothed...

This is just not a good way to start your morning...

I think Ian was kind of proud of himself, but I don't think he will ever do that again... The rest of the day he kept saying things like, "Showers are only for Mommy and Daddy!"

Just when I thought I'd seen it all...


1 comment:

Sheri M. said...

Ian is SUCH an AMAZING toddler! Wow! That's all I can say! :)