Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Saturday, June 27, 2009

On Top Again...

... Well, it's been 15 years since a member of our family took the stage as a "National Champion" (Phil, ONU Regional Team, 1994). But today Miss Mini Super Quiz Chick got the job done!

We had a very late start to the quiz, and I was super disappointed that the way the seating was arranged, I could not see Grace. Actually, not only could I not see her to check the answers she was pulling, but she was so far away and there were so many people that I actually lost track of her completely. I did, however, see her picture flash on the big screen a couple of times, so I knew she was actually seated!

Parents were not allowed to contact their quizzers between rounds or even at the end of the quiz, so there was no way for me to measure her progress or to share it with Phil who I had on both skype and facebook chat. I am sure several people around me must have thought I was losing it when I intermittently whispered to my computer screen!

At any rate, when the quiz was complete a band took the stage and proceeded to sing outdated children's camp songs at which point I decided that a bathroom break was most definitely in order. When I returned they were doing some worship songs with the kids, which I enjoyed much more...

After some more delays, the awards ceremony began, and I watched nearly 100 kids come take their bronze level awards (Grace wasn't in that group, which I really didn't expect her to be)... and some 200+ kids take their silver level awards (Grace wasn't in that group either, still no surprises)... and then over 500 kids take their gold level awards (And I started to look a little more intently for the shimmering tiara, but Grace still didn't appear, and I began to think, "My goodness... either I've missed her or she really pulled it off, tabernacle questions and all")! Finally they called for the 105 Gold All Star level quizzers, and there she was... perfect day!

At this point, I think we were supposed to listen intently to whatever the guy in the Moses costume with the Mickey Mouse ears (or something like that) was saying. However, I found it a much more satisfying moment in which to scream my child's name... causing many people to turn and stare at me... but not Grace... she didn't even hear me. And then I almost shed a few tears... And if you think that's silly, it's OK... There were times not so many years ago when I never, ever thought our kids would have the opportunity to quiz, but sometimes you make sacrifices that pay off down the road and suddenly it's worth it...

We exited with a nice trophy and ribbon, both of which Grace is really proud. Took a picture with Moses Mickey (which I'm so not even posting... corny...) and headed on our way to celebrate!

Another HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who did something to help Grace make it to Orlando (and back)! From cash donations... to buying candles and cookie dough... to spending outrageous amounts of money on baked goods... to donating silent auction items and bake sale items... to driving us to the airport... to praying for us... to reading this blog and making comments about how cool my kid is (hint... hint... hint...) THANK YOU!!!

Some pics:


PS I saw at least one child hold up a trophy and exclaim, "I'm going to Disney World!" I thought that was pretty cute!

1 comment:

Quiznut said...

Congratulations, Grace. You are going to keep up with your Dad and Mom. I knew them when they were quizzers and you when you were a baby. Keep up the good work and I will look for you when you are a teen quizzer. Pat Turner