Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

St. Louis Vacation, Day 6...

… Definitely a “down time” day… In fact, you might call this “TV Day”, because the kids watched a ton of TV! You have to understand that for our family that is kind of a treat seeing as our television at home gets exactly zero channels… no exaggeration! Now, we have DVDs and video games up the wazoo, but actual TV… just isn’t there…

To give an example of how this affects my children, Ian was actually irritated with me last night, because I couldn’t “play” Elmo’s World again from the morning Sesame Street show. He has no earthly idea how TV shows and schedules work… pretty darn funny for 3 ½ years old…
Anyhow… we watched everything from Clifford the Big Red Dog to the Beverly Hillbillies (and Word Girl… Super Why… The Andy Griffith Show… Sesame Street… you get the point). We drew the line at Barney. There is a point at which you have to reserve some brain cells, even on vacation…

Grace, Caleb, and I also played another game of UNO. The original plan was to finish our game from a couple of days ago, but Ian mixed up all the cards. I have to take some blame for this, because we left them sitting out in an Ian accessible place, and they were just too tempting. Caleb was not happy. He was, however, quite pleased when Grace won the game today and he came in second… anything to defeat Mommy, I guess!

Late in the day, we took a swim. Below are some pictures highlighting that adventure:

As soon as I got into the hot tub,
all of my "big kids" came running:

Lovin' On My Baby Princess:

My Beautiful First Princess:
Then we went through the Culver’s drive-thru for dinner, explored some run down St. Louis neighborhoods (ahem… I think there were supposed to be trains there or something)… stopped at Quiktrip for my nightly frozen juice fix (black cherry again… mmm…), which I forewent last night due to the milkshake… and now I think it’s time to continue the trend of the day with some Get Smart: Season 4!


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