Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, November 19, 2010

Any Mother...

... who can successfully pack two children for Pre-teen Retreat is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize if she meets the following criteria...

1. She must not enter into a mid-life crisis when she realizes that she is old enough to send two children to pre-teen retreat.

2. She must not scream when it becomes evident that she will have to send all of her own hair product with her 9 year old daughter. She must also not complain that she is wearing a hat while said child is dressed to the 9s, and she must calmly explain why it would be more appropriate to wear jeans and a T-shirt to the retreat.

3. She must pack all of her 10 year old son's toiletries for him and remember to give ample instruction about what a toothbrush and soap are for... again...

4. She must not allow the baby to digest any toiletries during the packing process.

5. She must listen with great interest and respond appropriately to her 6 and 3 year olds who just said something about having a fireworks show as soon as their siblings are gone and issued some sort of warning regarding where she should stand with Miah when they begin throwing the fireworks in the living room.

I think that prize is mine for sure... Well... maybe minus the fireworks...

Uh... What was that you said again, Caleb?


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