Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, February 15, 2013

Strange Day...

... all around.

It's Phil's birthday.  We are not, however, going to celebrate today, because he, Seth, and Grace are headed to Sterling for the quiz this weekend.  I am staying home with Miah, Ian, and Caleb in order to run the boys to their Upward games tomorrow.

I used to be creative when it came to spending time with my kids...  stage shows... trips to the zoo... or the science center... or the children's museum... or even just the park.  Lately it's more like, "Hey!  Who wants to have movie night?"  Sort of pathetic, but I don't expect it to be this way forever...

So tonight Caleb, Ian, Miah and I watched "Tangled" (Miah's current "fraverit"), while we consumed an entire bag of Hershey's Nuggets...

Then I put Miah to bed and Caleb, Ian, and I watched "Day of the Diesals" (Ian's choice), while we (and by "we" I mostly mean "they") taste tested several different varieties of popcorn (kettle, caramel, movie theater butter)...

Then Caleb and I tricked Ian into going to bed and proceeded to order a pizza and bread bites, which we consumed while watching "Jump In", after playing a couple of levels of "Peggle".  At some point, Caleb turned to me and whispered, "Mommy, I hope nobody finds out we did this.  We are up really late eating pizza and watching movies!"  I honestly think he thought it bordered on illegal activity, because when there was a siren he jumped and asked, "Was that real or in the movie?"  I guess I just blew our cover...

Caleb went to bed shortly after midnight, telling me, "Good morning," since technically, it was.

I never sleep well when Phil is away, so I finally drifted off a little before 2:00am...  When the alarm is set for 6:00am on Saturday, that's not so good...


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