Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Saturday, June 22, 2013

General Assembly, Part 2

I feel like today started a million years ago.

Quick rundown…

Went to see Monsters University, which was really great except for the 372 previews we had to endure before it began… except maybe The Lego Movie preview…  that one has potential merit…  Phil and Ian missed about the last 90 seconds of the movie, because no one should be subjected to the vigorous potty dance that Ian was doing in his seat.  Random thought.  Why do people leave before the credits are over?  Do they not realize that they miss things?  Anyway, I think this is the second movie that our entire family has ever gone to the theater to watch, together.  It was time (and even money) well spent.

One of the best parts of GA is catching up with friends from all over the country.  It was great to run into Kate and the kids and to see how they have grown into beautiful people!  I loved chatting with Pastor Jim and Marilyn!  Undoubtedly one of the best quotes of the day came from Marilyn, who said, “I’m so glad you guys found each other, because your kids are so cute!”  And eating at The Old Spaghetti Factory (Mizithra and Spumoni, oh how I enjoy eating you every four years or so) with Nicole, Ralph, Tamar, and Jadon was just great!  As an added bonus, we got to sit in the trolley!

I think, maybe, I was the only one who found it hysterical that the boys kept spinning through the revolving door.  At any rate, I'm pretty sure I thought it was funnier than the people waiting to get into the building...

Hearing Dr. Porter speak is always a highlight of Naz. events for me, and it sure didn’t hurt to close out the service with some Rend Collective Experiment!

Bedtime…  It’s definitely bedtime…


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