Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recital Day...

In five years of piano recitals, this had to be the most enjoyable one, because I finally remembered to get a babysitter for my littlest people.  I love them.  You know I do.  But after Miah felt the need to sing through the entire recital, last year, while running up and down the aisles, I had to have a better plan this time around!  A huge thank you to John and Kelly for hanging out with Miah and Ian tonight.  We will return the favor at dance recital time...

The trophy haul of the day has been brought to you by the letter G and the number 11.  Caleb's guild pin is there in the mix, too.  He got his trophy earlier at the music awards program.  We seriously might need to add a room onto the house to hold all of the hardware as of late:

Both Caleb and Grace did fantastic jobs on their solos:

Bim Bam (Folk Song) and Lightly Row (Folk Song):

Rainforest Rhapsody (Matz) and New Orleans, 1928 (Faber):

Grace also had the privilege of participating in a piano quartet with Josh, Jonah, and Dakota.

Four Arkansas Travelers (Olson):

We love this studio!

I had to laugh when I hugged Nancy and said, "Thanks for a great year!  We'll see you tomorrow!"  The music never stops around here!


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