Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dinosaur Camp, Day 5...

We made it to the end of the week!  The truth is, my favorite part of the day was when Seth and Grace came busting through the back door and talked, non-stop, about camp until the only thing left to do was watch the camp highlights video!  I love how much they love camp.  I also love how good it feels to have them home again!

But before they came home, there was much left to do in the realm of the dinosaurs!

So... last week I cleaned out the school/art closet.  You would not believe the treasures I found buried in there!  Among them was an unopened package of face paint in a variety of colors.  Who knows how old it was, but I thought I'd better give it a try.  May I present the cutest dinosaurs ever:




Oh, come now...
This is the face you would make, too...
If you were about to be attacked by three roaring dinosaurs:

I proceeded to pack a dinosaur picnic (boiled dinosaur eggs, Jell-O dinosaur eggs, dinosaur fruit snacks, dinosaur PBJ, if you've been reading, this week, you get the picture) and to load my little monsters in the van for a trip to "Dinosaur Park"!  We have not been there in years.  It is dirty, and sometimes the inhabitants border on creepy.  But... you know... it has dinosaurs!  We invited friends (I hope that doesn't immediately put me on the bad friend list - I promise we'll invite them to a cleaner park next time) and had a ton of fun!

Picnic Time:
Riding Tyrannosaurus Rex:

Oh look!  Another one of our kind:

Loving on the Brontosaurus:

"Mom!  Take a picture!"

This "baby" still loves to swing...
I'm going to hang onto that for as long as I can:

After a couple of hours of melting in the sun, I let the kids sit on the couch sipping water and watching more from "The Land Before Time" series until their eyes glazed over.

I did manage to hang much (although not quite all) of our dinosaur drawings from the week:

It's been fun.  I think maybe next summer we'll try pirate camp...


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