Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Monday, August 5, 2013

I Think...

I Corinthians 10:13 might be one of the most misused verses in all of Scripture.  Seriously.  I am near the point of pulling my hair out and screaming as people continue to say things such as, “God won’t give me more than I can handle.”  Really?  Let’s think this through on a variety of levels…

First, there are people… people who love God with their whole hearts… people who serve God with their whole lives… who find themselves in legitimately tragic situations that are far more than anyone can handle.  I think that flippantly throwing around clichés is much more hurtful than helpful in these situations, don’t you?

Further, there are people who fit the same category above, who find themselves in really difficult circumstances, or just crappy life moments, that are also more than anyone can handle.  Again… stop with the clichés.

In either of the above cases, it seems that what we are really saying to hurting people is, “God doesn’t really love you that much.  Or, then again, maybe you don’t love God that much, and that’s why your situation is unbearable.  But, he’s got me covered.”  Please… think before you speak.

But that’s not what really got me going on this misinterpretation, tonight, if I’m honest…

It bothers me when people consistently live lives that are clearly, and intentionally, outside of God’s will… that are clearly sinful… and they basically ask God to bless them in that sin and then proclaim that God will not give them more than they can handle.  It bothers me, because they never seem to think about the fact that they really have brought all kinds of trouble and difficulties into their own lives.  I don’t think that we can expect God to come through and clean that up, without our willingness to change, just to make us comfortable and happy…

This is what I Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (NIV).  It’s much less about our comfort and God’s response to our situations and much more about our obedience and our response to God’s goodness.  If you don’t believe me, go ahead and read I Corinthians 10:1-13 and put it into context.  (As a side note, James 1:13 is pretty clear that God is not the tempter, just in case we’ve also lost that perspective.) 

Sometimes life is more than we can handle.  It just is.  But God will provide a way for us to draw near to him and stand up against temptation.  That’s probably not a very popular thing to say… but it’s true…


PS  This is post number 107, making this the most I have ever blogged in one year.  It’s not as much as I wanted to blog, at this point, but I’m pretty happy with the record I have of the first 7+ months of 2013…  More to come…  Thanks for reading!

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