Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Preschool Music...

... can it be?

Taking Miah to class, today, was bittersweet.  I wasn't sure if I was going to cry or dance, but as it turned out, things felt strangely normal and as they should be, so I just hung out with friends in the waiting area and enjoyed some good conversation.

I'm not going to lie.  Little things are setting me off and making me teary as I work through the emotions involved in transition.  Little things like thinking about leaving behind the tree Grace planted, an unexpected message here or there, taking a quick snapshot of Miah and her friends, thick as thieves as long as the snacks keep coming:

Miah, Owen, and Rocket

But it's all good - just a little bit of an emotional roller coaster to be so very happy and a little bit sad at the same time...  If you happen to catch me in tears, you might stop to ask if they are happy tears of sad ones!  A little of both are going to be present for awhile.  Or you might just ignore me, because I really hate crying in front of people!


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