Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Pumpkins Are Growing!!!

So... I never really reported on my interesting little gardening attempt...

I have wanted to grow a garden for some time. I just have never been in a position to do it...

I am still probably not in a position to do it, but it is one of those things where I finally said to myself, "Are you going to keep on wanting to do this your whole life, or are you going to just do it?" Then I answered myself by heading for the back yard with a shovel...

It is more difficult to dig up dirt than I'd imagined... and may I mention here that I do not like worms... In the end, I ended up with a very tiny patch of ground, oh probably 3x6 feet at best... I was very proud...

I planted many, many different kinds of veggies... (and fruits, but I think they are all dead)...

I cannot remember exactly what veggies I planted... or where... but I do see a few green things emerging from the ground that I don't think are weeds, so we'll go with it...

When I looked out the kitchen window, however, I got really excited, because I saw some real plants in my garden! Of course, I ran right outside, and to my delight I recognized them as the pumpkins (this is only because you have to plant pumpkins a little differently than everything else).

I ran back inside shouting, "My Pumpkins are Growing"... You are supposed to imagine this being said something like you envision Paul Revere shouting, "The British are Coming" to get the full effect... Of course, the kids wanted to see them, but I explained that they really only look like a bunch of green leaves right now, so that lost it's appeal pretty quickly...

Who knows if anything else will sprout, but to tell you the truth, if I end up with four decent sized carving pumpkins from this my first gardening attempt, I'll take it...

And... next year... I think I'll hire someone with a rototiller...


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