Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Feel Disturbed Tonight...

This week I have heard several variations on the thought that people cannot be your friends if they do not support all of the decisions you make, and if people disagree with things you hold to be true, they should keep quiet, because that is common courtesy...

I am finding this to be almost frightening, to tell you the truth. What is the world coming to if it is inappropriate to express our opinions? And should we allow our friends to travel down a road to destruction in order to be deemed supportive?

For some time now it has been apparent to me that a new generation has sprung up. As irritated as I was with my own generation at times... and with our push for tolerance in everything except religious freedom... and with our seeming inability to find reason as an acceptable filter for truth... I think this is more dangerous...

It is like mass groupthink...

I haven't completely wrapped my mind around it just yet, but I believe that when we come to a point where it is deemed unacceptable to intelligently debate ideas, we are going to see some catastrophic results. I don't have to win all the time (although I do like to)... and I realize that my opinion may not always be the most popular... or the most productive... or even the most right! But I do not think that my opinion should be stripped from me if it is expressed in a respectful way that creates thoughtful interaction with others...

In fact, I was involved, just this week, in a pretty good, sometimes heated discussion about health care reform. I'm sure that no one walked away with a new view on the health care bill, but it was still valuable time spent discussing options and preferences with friends. We do not have to agree in the end to be friends. We do have to interact in a way that is respectful and allows for differences in worldview. If we lose that ability, what's left to talk about?


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