Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Princess!!!

I thought I was going to be really sad. I mean, not just sniffle a little bit – she’s growing up so fast, but the kind of really sad where you cry all day long… I was especially worried about this after dealing with postpartum depression last year and particularly worried because there have been a few kind of blue days in the past month or so. But I wasn’t sad… at all!

Miah has occasionally been referred to as our “bonus baby”! Although Phil and I had talked about having five children from the early stages of our relationship, pregnancies were not easy around here, and after Ian we thought we might just call it good. And life with four children was good. But there was always something in the back of my mind reminding me that we were really supposed to have one more… and then one day, there she was!

My pregnancy with Miah was a mess. Miah’s birth story is a mess. When Miah was born, she was a mess! In fact, she was so bruised it was sort of scary, and she had one eye that remained bloodshot for several months. I called her my “Red Eyed Tree Frog”! (If you do not have a toddler or are not familiar with Go, Diego, Go, that probably seems strange). However, it was for this reason that I had to chuckle… just a little… when she contracted pink eye right before her birthday… Thankfully, medical science is good, but I did refer to Miah as my red eyed tree frog again, for a couple of days.

I should mention here that Miah has broken the mold at every turn for this family! At Christmas we discovered that she finds presents distressing… Our latest discovery is that she hates cake… and ice cream… I have pictures of my oldest 4 children covered in birthday cake. Heck, I even have a picture of Grace with her whole face down on the table, trying to suck in as much cake as possible! There is no such picture for Miah…

I remember thinking that Seth was so huge on his first birthday. This may have had something to do with the fact that we were eagerly awaiting Grace’s arrival just a little less than a month later. I remember thinking that Grace was huge on her first birthday, too. This was likely aided by the fact that the child could speak in full sentences. I remember crying on Caleb’s first birthday and being a little teary eyed on Ian’s, thinking that either could be our last first birthday. But Miah… I actually snuggled down with her a little after midnight, because she wanted to nurse, and I said, “Oh… you’re one! Happy Birthday, Princess!” And then I looked at her closely and thought, “My gosh, you’re so little yet!”

And I felt very happy…

I love my wonderful, beautiful, amazing Miah!


PS It's tradition to say what the birthday person wants to eat for dinner, so might I add that Miah had frozen Stouffers Macaroni and Cheese... I had never bought this myself until her birthday, but my mom gave Miah some last week, and she has refused most everything else since. And oh yes... presents... Miah is now the proud owner of some new books, a VeggieTales princess castle, and a Tinkerbell Power Quad (which Grace is sort of tempted to ride around the house)...

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