Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Famous Last Words...

For years I have picked on Phil.  This is how it started.  Early in our marriage, we made not one, but two, moves across the country to Idaho… and back.  There are a variety of stories I could share, and they’d all be good, and they’d all be true, but for the purposes of this post, I will share only one…

It was a simpler time in life…  a time where we were young and ready to take on the world.  I can remember on at least one of those trips, I was reading the Anne of Green Gables series for the first time.  And I was sort of caught up in that picture perfect, fictitious world when we drove through Iowa.  In the back of my mind, I could see us building a little house, nestled in the hills along the highway… raising a family there… being very happy.  It was beautiful!  At some point, I must have made mention of this to Phil – not in detail, but something like, “I would like to live in Iowa someday”.  This was met with immediate resistance, because, as it turned out, Phil would never, ever like to live in Iowa… ever.  But every time we drove through Iowa, I loved it.  And nothing changed for him.  He thought I was certifiably crazy…

I can’t begin to tell you how many times in my life I’ve heard someone talk about how they were willing to go anywhere… anywhere… except “that one place”, but that’s exactly where God sent them.  When we landed in Iowa a few years later… and loved it… both of us… we started making silly comments like that, as well. 

Through the years, when we would sense another move coming, we would actually say things, in jest, like, “I never, ever want to go to Jamaica!”  Very funny… I know…  Funnier than you might realize, actually…

And I’m not superstitious or anything like that… and I legitimately don’t think God is sitting somewhere, unattached from our present reality, just hoping to send us somewhere we honestly don’t want to go.  But I started making a concerted effort to not say things like, “I never want to live in Lincoln, Nebraska”.  Oh my goodness… did I just say that out loud?

I’m a different person than I was all those years ago.  The truth is; I have come to terms with the fact that anywhere can be home if you’ll let it be.  And I was ready to go anywhere… almost.   

Somewhere, in the back of my mind, there has always been this one place I would prefer not to go.  I mean, more seriously than Lincoln.  And we had an interview last week.  And I kid you not, 11 minutes down the express way I found myself sitting in the most dangerous city in the United States… several years running… the city in which I will buy my groceries if we go there.  The only words that really came to mind were, “It serves me right”.  When I uttered these words, Phil got quizzical, and I just burst out laughing.  I mean, I was never, ever going there… ever.

It’s probably a little too late in the process, at this point, to start singing, “Please don’t send us to Africa,” or anything like that…

But who knows?  Maybe we have been prepared for such a time as this…


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