Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Of All The Things...

Well, it's a new year! And, what do you know, with the new year came an old resolution...

The idea is to "Get in shape in 2008"... When I say this, it almost reminds me too much of a... ahem... "catchy" little phrase I heard every week at church for several years, but I guess it works, so I'll stick with it...

Our extended family is having something of a "biggest loser" competition, leading up to our trip to Florida later this year. Actually, I guess it's more of an accountability thing than a competition, because there aren't any prizes or anything. Frankly, getting into my new swimsuit (purchased several sizes too small), and actually looking good enough to wear it, will be prize enough for me.

I was going to include some pictures each month, but I keep forgetting to take them... yeah... really... So for now I am just going to give a weekly pound update:

I have lost 6 lbs. in the last 7 days!!! Although I know that I cannot possibly keep that pace going, it is a nice jump start. 64 1/2 more to go... ugh...

In the coming weeks, look for posts from EARLIER dates. I have been working on them but can't seem to get any one completely finished. They really are coming, though... eventually...

Thanks for Reading!


1 comment:

Sheri M. said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! DON'T GIVE UP! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! We're gonna be HOT (sizzling) bahama mama's in our string bikini's in November! okay...maybe not "string"...he he he