Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Monday, May 26, 2008

Paradise '08...

For those of you who don't know, Phil and I spent Memorial Day weekend in Missouri/Kansas, participating in an intense, extensive time of worship. It was awesome.

It was not the kind of awesome that you usually experience. It was not the been there... done that... got the T-shirt and wear it everywhere I go kind of awesome. It was different.

Our day out in the field started with no direction, which, to be honest, got on my nerves a little bit. Except it really shouldn't have, because as Phil and I began talking, I know that God used those moments to work in my heart. I don't think I really want to get into all of it, and a lot of you who read this blog regularly have already heard the story (or lived through it), but let me just say that it is a pitiful thing to nurse wounds you didn't even realize still existed...

At some point it started to rain. I admit there was a tiny, little bit of lightning, but I counted the seconds between the lightning and the thunder, and it was like 30 miles away, so we stayed on the field (although Phil did run up to the tree line where we'd left our lunches, because we didn't particularly want to serve our group soggy sandwiches). During this time, spontaneous singing broke out. I liked that. The rain lasted for about 10 minutes...

We experienced a group time together, which was good...

Our late morning silence time was a bit on the interesting side. I really don't think most people understand the significance of silence. Most days, I don't fully "get it" myself. I had a difficult time getting settled in a place where I felt like I could completely focus my attention on God. The first place I chose was inhabited by a great multitude of tics. The second place I chose was also inhabited by tics, as well as some other friendly insect creatures, but perhaps the worst part about that spot was that when I sat down I came to realize that the ground was a good deal wetter than I had anticipated. Finally, I climbed a tree...

I did not climb very high, mind you, but I did climb, and that's saying something since I don't believe I've been up in a tree in well over a decade...

I decided to read about Nicodemus... which led me to the passage about the master and the talents and the servants who invested them wisely and the one who didn't. And then I felt like I was getting absolutely nowhere, so since there was a breeze I went ahead and let the pages of my Bible blow at which point I came to the parable of the lost sheep. And in the end, to be completely honest, I exclaimed, "God, You are so confusing!"...

Carefully climbed out of the tree... found Phil... headed toward the field for the Sacred Assembly...

Let me insert here that this is the point at which I should have applied sunscreen. However, I am sometimes an idiot, so I now look at bit like a lobster, seeing as this is the worst burn I have ever experienced, hands down...

The first part of the Sacred Assembly was good. It was probably better than good, but my mind was wandering to a few other issues at the time, so for me it was just good...

Then, one of our girls started to feel light headed, so I took her up to the first aid tent. Actually, we were headed to the ambulance, because I thought that was where they were administering first aid, but as it turned out there was a tent right out on the field where they were equipped to serve warm Gatorade, so that's where we ended up... She really didn't feel well...

I stayed up there with her for probably 30-45 minutes. During this time, some of my favorite worship songs were being played on the field, and I have to admit that I was a little on the irritated side... again... because I would have liked to have been down there. At some point, another one of our girls joined us, and I went back to the group. I was able to clearly see our girls in the first aid tent from where the rest of the group was, and if they needed me to come back, the doctor had Phil's cell number. They eventually rejoined us, as well, when they had partaken of all of the warm Gatorade their bodies could handle...

The major turning point for me, during the Sacred Assembly, was a song I'd never heard before. It was called "Words to Build a Life On"... I think. At any rate, I do not have the lyrics right now, but I sent a message to the guy who I presume is the author of this song, and when I do have lyrics... or music... or whatever, I will share it.

There is something amazing about reading Scripture aloud and singing to God alone for hours on end! I was not ready for this time to be over when it was...

We spent some more time as a group, munched more sandwiches and snacks, and made our 1/2 mile trek back to the bus. We did not stay until sunset. I would have liked to, but it didn't seem to be the best choice in our particular set of circumstances...

I know that this writing has not done justice to what I actually experienced at Paradise. It was very personal and internal. I would definitely do it again (minus the sunburn).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that warm gatorade was disgusting!