Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Really Like Barack Obama...

...But not enough to vote for him this time around.

If you want to know all of my reasoning, please see Phil's post @ www.transforminghope.blogspot.com. I couldn't do a better job explaining it, myself, if I tried. And this is rather ironic, because we didn't discuss our reasoning or our picks, but he pretty much hit on what I was thinking... every step of the way... exactly...

See, here's the deal... After listening to speech... after speech... after speech from Obama, I was thinkin', "Yeah, this could be the guy." I'm not going to say that there weren't things I disagreed with, but I like him, and I like his vision for change. My mind was almost made up, in his favor...

And then came the Vice Presidential pick. And, I'm so sorry, but Joe Biden is just an idiot. And as compelling as Obama is... and as much as I think he really is different than many of the dems. we have up on the hill... If Biden is going to be his second hand man... the one he looks to for council... and... ahem... wisdom (or something), then I don't think Obama is ready to make the changes he wants to make.

And, let me tell ya, I haven't been all that fond of McCain. But his VP pick, in Sarah Palin, is outstanding... and his speech at the RNC was pretty great, too...

The choice has been tough, but I guess I'm still a Republican after all...


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