Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's A Joy...

... to watch Caleb play basketball.

As I write this, I am almost sure that anyone else who has ever watched Caleb play basketball will disagree with me. But here's the thing...

I have two very intense pre-teens. And they've been intense since day 1. And I love them. But everything has always been about winning... or losing... or getting it perfect, and the truth is, they have both inherited my build (well, my build at their ages... if you can believe that) and my athletic ability (which isn't much). They deal with sports in different ways. Seth gets very upset. In fact, we pulled him out of sports for several years, because we just didn't want him to be miserable... and you can only have so many pictures of your child crying on the court... or the field... What Grace lacks in motor skills, she usually manages to make up for in leadership and enthusiasm, so she's a little bit easier to watch...

But Caleb... The kid is built for sports. He has always been solid. We used to call him "Bam Bam". You know what, though... He really couldn't care less about winning... or losing... or even playing sometimes! And honestly... he's not any good at basketball. I'm not being mean. I'm just telling it like it is. He is my music loving, piano playing, tender-hearted kid. He learned the memory verse for basketball right away, but we made an error and learned it in a different version, so he's too shy to say it at practice. He doesn't care. Doesn't need the accolades. He knows it, and that's good enough for him. Today I missed a lot of his game, because Miah was being a crab, and when I asked him how it went, he was so excited! He said, "Mom! I almost got to touch the ball!" He received the "Christ likeness" star today, and it's funny, but I thought to myself, I wonder if they realize how accurate that was.

Let me make sure I'm clear that Caleb has had terrific coaches both last year and this year. Never once have they seemed irritated with his seeming inability to run to the right places, guard the right kids (he has a serious aversion to guarding girls), or get the ball in the hoop (which has never happened in a game). I hope they don't think I am somehow crazy as I sit there with a smile on my face and watch my child basically not play basketball! But I can't help it. I love that he's happy. And I love that he loves just being a part of the team.


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