Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, March 6, 2009

I Should Go To Bed...

... and if I'm not going to go to bed, I should do some school.

Instead, I got all wrapped up in thumbing through the swimsuit edition of a catalog... which was depressing... I mean... where are all of the people with cellulite... and stretch marks? Hello! There is absolutely no way for me to know how I would look in those swimsuits if every one of your models is a size 2!

Which, of course, created stress... and in turn sent me spiraling toward my ever faithful computer... and since I've already paid my bills... and since I don't really have the brain power to take an exam after battling the respiratory flu for 4 days and watching Dora the Explorer for something like 18 hours... I though, hey... why not write a blog with some substance? You know... like something about swimsuits and cellulite?

But seriously... I knew this illness had hit it's low when I found myself hugging the toilet this morning, and there stood Ian next to me holding his own little mask to take his meds. through a nebulizer and shouting over the noise, "I do it, Mommy! I do it!" This was interrupted by Phil peeking his head in the door and saying, "Are you throwing up?" At which I almost laughed, because I thought, "No... I just really like to kiss the toilet first thing in the morning!" But he did pick Ian up to finish his treatment, so I guess that's redemption!

Following this insanity, Grace proceeded to make breakfast... on her own. Everyone had eggos. She did just fine. Grace is going to be a chef when she grows up (at least this week). She wanted to own her own restaurant until she found out that she would have to pay for a building. Since Grace has little concept of how earning money works in the real world, she panicked. Now she just wants to work for somebody else. Oh yeah... go Mom. Talk your kid out of entrepreneurship and into flipping burgers... I think she'll get over it and be rich and famous someday...

Even Caleb took a nap today. I think his body was fighting off getting sick... again... It is unheard of for Caleb to take a nap! But at any rate, he seems to be doing pretty well, and he has been on the calm and extremely loving side, even though I keep telling his that I can't touch him, because I don't want him to get sick! He continues to sing, "My Mommy Loves Me," over... and over... and over again. It is cute every day, until the 80th verse or so!

Seth has been very, very helpful these past few days. I don't think he has refused to do anything I have asked him to do, and I have asked a whole lot of him! Everything from, "Can you please refill Ian's drink cup," to,"Could you just sit with us through one more episode of Dora," to, "Hey Buddy, could you do something worthwhile for school today?" I have been very impressed.

And Ian is getting better, slowly but surely. He is probably going to think that life revolves around the television when we are through with this, but that's something I think we can deal with. The kid is starting to greet me every morning with something that sounds like, "Ola!"... but I know he is really saying, "Oh-ah"... which is how he says "Dora"...

Phil and I are still sick, but we can lift our heads again, and we managed to eat a meal today... sort of... if you can call frozen pizza a meal. Maybe I will feel capable of cooking something in the near future.

Grace and I have a big day coming up, which I will hopefully have the chance to blog tomorrow... You never know... my blogging habits are a lot like my life... consistently inconsistent!


PS Wish me luck... I'd better go flunk a test now...

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