Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Poor Neglected Blog...

Ah... life is so crazy right now!

Where have you heard that before?

I am currently working with a schedule that allows me Internet access only a couple of days per week (if you can believe that)! I am basically doing school work from dawn to dusk when residing in the paper mache' house, and I'm checking my e-mail once or twice each week in order to delete all of the Disney shopping ads (since I'm trying to avoid shopping right now) and the viagra ads (since, well, just nevermind!) If you are reading this pathetic post, you should really send me some real e-mail. I like it. But I might not get back to you until next week. My other current residence has no Internet access at all, so I have taken to doing things like going to the park with my kids. It's a beautiful thing, for the most part. I am a little OCD about checking my mail, though, so there's a bit of withdrawal going on!

I am too tired to post anything more of substance, tonight, but look for posts soon regarding my amazing Halloween blunder, the thousands of ways I feel blessed right now, our new house that we are hoping to close on soon, a few of the funny things the kids have said that I haven't yet forgotten, etc, etc, etc...

Thanks for Reading! (Even when the content kind of stinks...)


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