Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, June 23, 2013

General Assembly, Part 3

I am “backblogging” at this point.

The last day of our trip was good… maybe even very good.

Although we had planned to go to both worship services on Sunday, it became very obvious during morning worship that Miah was just done.  I am thankful that she was so good during the Friday and Saturday night services, but the truth is we broke new ground, this morning.  I am almost certain that, “Let’s Dance, Little Pookie,” had never before been read during a Church of the Nazarene communion service.  We have accomplished that now.

Still… mishaps and all… there is something uniquely special about celebrating the Eucharist with thousands of other worshippers, and I’m glad we did this, squirmy toddler and all.  I love how Miah actually sought understanding of communion, today.  After explaining it to her, she said, “It makes Jesus happy!”  This, in turn, makes me happy.  How many three year olds really get it?

Switching gears, we spent the afternoon (seriously almost 7 hours) at America’s Incredible Pizza Company, where we ate lunch… and dinner… and other various snacks!  We played games until we dropped, and Grace even managed to win an iPod touch, far more than making up for what we paid for hours of endless fun and ice cream!

This was an amazing trip for us, but there’s always something very good about stepping through the back door and resuming our regular lives, too.  And yet…


(to be continued)

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