Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, February 18, 2007


  • Currently Listening
    Free at Last
    By dc Talk
    see related
    Sometimes... I admit... my age shows...

    But really... I just have a hard time grasping the fact that DCTalk's "Free at Last" album is... well... retro...

    I would really appreciate comments about this from anyone born between 1974 and 1980. If you don't have a xanga, just send me an e-mail. Because I am interested to know... Did you have ALL of the lyrics memorized at some point in time? Do you still own a copy of the recording? When is the last time you listened to it? And... maybe most importantly... could you still sing along?

    In case you're wondering, I listened to it this morning. I'll admit, I had to explain to Seth that we were listening to the... uh... "early works" of Toby Mac, and I also had to skip track 14, because it's one thing to have Caleb running around singing, "Jesus is still alright," but it's a completely different thing to have him singing... well... if you have the CD, just check out track 14...


    Comments (4)

    • momkat4
      I'm NOT going to leave a comment because I was NOT born between those dates.
    • thorns_in_water

      Okay, didn't exactly make the cut off point. But it's close enough...

      Yes, I did have the lyrics memorized. I think...okay maybe one or two words....um...or a line I'd stumble over....

      No I don't own a copy anymore. I gave mine away. This person's tape of this music got sick and died. I think the cassette player ate it. Remember that problem? And you would try to wind it back up? Well they were a bigger fan than I was..infact they got me into this band so I felt bad for this person so after much "no you take it" "oh I couldn't" and back and forth...this person took it. And this person better still have it :O)

      On a side note I still have Dc Talk's Nu Thang. Now there's some good stuff!

      So the last time I listened to the whole album was probably back in late 1999 early 2000. But I bet I could probably still sing along. Other than that word or line I would stumble over. And I actually looked this up so if it's wrong...you know the line that went something like this: with the flow in the know, on the go like a pro........or the me or the ray. That part! For a long time I was beat behind. And amazingly after many times of practice. ( Because I had no life back than other than band and quizzing.) I was a beat or two faster! So I guess if it were a race I would win!

      Oh hee hee hee! Caleb singing 14 would be awful. I once was in a store and heard a little girl sing this one song....and even as an adult I would never sing that song or say those word in front of my mother. And no one in my family, even the ones that do say those words, would dare speak them in front of my great-grandmother. Unless of course they wanted their thumb twisted back. And don't be fooled by her age. She's pretty strong. My "manly brute 30 something" year old uncles still says that hurts a whole lot.......

    • momkat4

      OK, even though I didn't quite make the cut off point either...and we won't discuss which end of the scale I missed...I will not not leave a comment just because I failed to meet the initial regulations set forth by the author... Oh, and YOU thought YOUR age was showing!!! Feel bad yet? Here, let me put my teeth in so I don't slur my words when I type. Get back here you young whipper snapper so I can rap your knuckles with my cane. Oh, dang, lost control of certain muscle groups again...

      On to #14...Isn't it the story of three men in ministry? The non-conforming Mom Lady in me says there is a whole lot worse he could be singing. I trust your judgment as Caleb's mom to censor, though. Especially since I'm not the one grocery shopping with him while he's singing it!

    • thorns_in_water
      True...True on the scale of things it is better than him saying "I want it" or other songs about slapping some....well fill in the blank..... But even so. Maybe I am just a prude. Yeah....maybe :O)

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