Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weigh In, February 2008...

OK... Sorry this is a couple of days late. I kept thinking that I would post a bunch of stuff at once, but... well... you know how it goes...

For now, the weigh in...

I officially lost 11 lbs. in January!!! I am relatively happy with this. I have also been exercising for about 25 min./day, 5 days/week, and I can do 18 sit-ups (ahem)...

I got my hair cut, too. It's cute, but I think I am going to have it layered, as well. I want to color it when Ian stops nursing... and I think I'd like to have my nose pierced... and my belly button... twice... Perhaps I am going through a 1/3 life crises? (I am too young to be having a mid-life crisis, assuming that I live as long as I'd like to...)

So, anyway... goals for February...

I want to lose at least 10 more lbs. this month and increase the exercise to 30 min./day, 6 days/week. And I'd like to do... say... 25 sit-ups, maybe...

My next update should have some great pics. of our snowman... If I ever get them downloaded...


1 comment:

Sheri M. said...

Lisa! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the great work! We can do this!

We will NOT look like this in our bikini's!


~ or ~


Let's not wind up looking like these beautiful ladies either!


Or....the following could be Phil, Brad, or even Steve if they're not careful! LOL
