Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Saturday, August 14, 2010

St. Louis Vacation, Day 3...

I would be lying if I didn't say that today was stressful. However, it is turning out better, as it comes to an end, then it was at several moments throughout...

The kids and I spent the bulk of the day at the hotel, while Phil did some... uh... sightseeing. You will have to check out his blog for further details...

Rather than focusing on the parts of the day that would have made me a good candidate for a new reality TV show called, "Mommy of Five Goes Ballistic: Hotel Edition," I am going to try to highlight the good and/or funny parts of this day. That means we can forget about Ian setting off the smoke detector, this morning, right? I am going to be honest, though, and admit that I did threaten to go home tomorrow, and the only child who protested was Grace, because she wanted me to get to ride up in the arch. She is terrified of it herself... She is a good little princess...

Here is the conversation of the day, which happened as I was making sure Ian went potty one more time before breakfast and swimming:

Ian: "Since you're fat, you can float on the water"
Me: "Thanks, Ian"
Ian: "I only said that 'cause I wanted it to be easier for you"

Well... at least I know somebody was listening when I taught them that fat floats... I did not, however, get into my swimsuit today, much to Ian's disappointment...

Today I enjoyed introducing my children to "The Andy Griffith Show" and teaching Grace and Caleb to play UNO. We are not done with our game, and they are ganging up on me! Caleb (who has like 300,000 cards in his hand) is so excited that he has cards that are going to cause me to pick up cards if they ever manage to come up with a "reverse" between them... I have 4 cards left...

When Phil returned, we went out to eat at Ponderosa, and I should have taken my camera in, because Seth created an amazing new "recipe"... He called it "A King with a Mustache", and it was made of brownies, onion rings, M&Ms, and chocolate chips. Really, it was art, but he ate most of it. I think it catapulted our family into the "preteen years", maybe even more than when Grace asked for my cell phone, because she wanted to call a friend today (battery was almost dead, but I may grant that request later in the week... Kelly... tell Lexi to be standing by... hehehe...) The fact that Seth and Caleb had their fists full of yet more M&Ms when they returned from a bathroom break just about killed me, though... I'm not sure moms are supposed to laugh about these things, but I just couldn't help it. In Seth's defense, he did inform me that he used a spoon to fill their hands... at least they didn't just grab a hand full each on the way through!

At present, I think all of our little people are sleeping... If not, they're faking it well. I am sippin' my frozen juice of the night (orange tonight after the back cherry last night... both yummy), and waiting to see if the toilet will be usable in the next few minutes before requesting a plunger (somebody said something about Ian throwing toothbrushes in there or something)... Thinkin' about asking Phil to crack out "Get Smart" and wonderin' what tomorrow will bring...


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