Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Gangsta Vacation...

Day One… Traveling… and inadvertently engaging in illegal activity…

After graduation parties and the recital, we decided to hit the road the day before we needed to be in the Wisconsin Dells.  Although our family is used to long drives, sometimes it just makes sense to make a trip in smaller steps if we can…

Our travel day(s) are usually relatively uneventful.  Miah slept for most of the trip, which is sort of a blessing, because that means she didn’t scream the whole time, and sort of … well… not a blessing, because that means she was ready to pull an all-nighter when we finally made it to our lovely, catch six hours of sleep and move on, Motel 6.

Our trouble really started with the toll roads.  They were a little confusing, and before we knew it, we found ourselves in the wrong lane… you know… the one you’re supposed to ride in only if you possess the magic “get out of tolls free” card… which we don’t…   We didn’t even realize we had evaded a toll until we got to the next one, managed to make it to the correct lane, and observed the line of cameras by the other lane, no doubt snapping shots of every license plate that passed…  So at this point, we’re thinking that they’ll send us a bill… and hoping they’ll take notice of the Nazarene logo and family stick figures and realize that we really did do this by accident…

I have to admit, though, that our other infraction was not such a mistake.  I can never really understand why a family of seven cannot stay in one hotel room.  If you think about it, for most of human history families our size have lived in smaller spaces, and in much of the world they still do.  We’re talking a handful of hours of sleep here… not the vacation resort of our dreams…  I am almost positive that we are also on camera herding the gang into the room with our three sleeping bags.  But in this case, I guess if it was really a huge problem someone could have said something to us.  We spent the first couple of hours trying to express to Ian how important it is to use a whisper voice at a motel, where other people might be sleeping, and trying to convince Miah that it was really nighttime now, and she could go back to sleep.  In the end, we got up earlier than we’d planned and left at the scheduled time to make it the rest of the way…

And now we’re looking forward to some waterpark fun with our family!


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