Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Happy Halloween 2006...

  • It's November!!! Which, of course, means that it is closer to December than yesterday... hehehe...

    What a busy Halloween we had! It started with an appointment to fix the brakes. They feel awesome now. Then, Caleb and I did the WIC thing. He has grown a ton. After that, I helped the kids get through some school stuff. Thankfully, we thought ahead and did most of our Tuesday work on Monday, because we never would have had time for everything if we hadn't... After lunch, I went to an appointment with a diabetic educator. (If you don't already know, I have gestational diabetes... just another... uh... exciting turn of events in this pregnancy... ugh...) I am now on a low carb diet, and I have to poke my finger four times a day to check my blood sugar. Right now, it seems awful. However, I am sure that it will become as routine as taking the blood thinner is, and I am ready to do just about anything to avoid having to take insulin. A week ago, I was concerned about being chocolate deprived. I am handling the withdrawal fine, though... hehehe. My main concern now is being milk deprived! Milk should not be bad for anyone in any way. It is just not right. I also cannot drink juice. This would probably not be a problem for most people, but since I am a strictly milk, juice, and water drinker only (except on very rare occassions), I am thinking that I am going to hate water by the end of this! At any rate, I think I'll survive and probably gain some healthier eating and exercise habits in the process... That's the positive side. I went straight to my regular OB appointment from there, and it went well. Next time I get to have another ultrasound to see how big the baby is now, and it should give us a good idea about how big he plans to get!

    Upon leaving the doctor's office, I quickly shifted gears. I ran to Wal-Mart and did some shopping at break neck speed. Then I drove home and proceeded to strip the kids down and throw them into Halloween costumes as quickly as possible. In the process, we forgot Buzz Lightyear's purple "helmet". Fortunately, Seth never realized this, and I am not about to tell him. I am also relatively sure that Tinkerbell's wings were on upside down, but that only gave her more character... We left a few minutes late for Trick-or-Treating, but the kids did pretty well for the1/2 hour we were out! Tinkerbell was, undoubtedly, the life of the party on every block. I am sure no one is surprised by that! Unfortunately, near the end of our Trick-or-Treating time, she ran into the grim reaper. That kind of ended her good experience, as she was terrified. I think next year we'll have a party. Later, we stopped at McDs for free scary sundaes. That was fun. Here are some pics. to commemorate our Halloween experience. By the way, I was too exhausted... or maybe lazy... this year to make creative costumes, so Disney did all the work...

    "Buzz Lightyear"
    "Uh... Woody's Dad"

    "Ice Cream Time"
    And now, it's Wednesday. It's also time to go poke my finger... again... And then to head back to the wonderful world of Kindergarten and First Grade... Not to mention the two year old who keeps screaming that he wants to do school...


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