Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, November 10, 2006

Who Signs Your Feet?

  • This post has been several days in the making... in my head, at least. And, it's another one of those things that probably belongs on my other xanga, but I decided to put it here, anyway...

    Recently, my kids were watching one of their all-time favorite movies, Toy Story II. I have seen it many times, but something happened to catch my attention this time around. It comes in the form of a quote from the infamous Buzz Lightyear.

    A little background...

    In the original Toy Story, Buzz believes that he is the "real" Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Through a series of events, he is finally convinced that he is, indeed, merely a toy. The revelation is startling, to say the least. At first, Buzz thinks his life is over, but he eventually begins to realize what it means to be a toy, and as the idea sinks in, he ends up being a pretty good one. In Toy Story II, we find Buzz walking through an aisle at Al's Toy Barn. Another Buzz Lightyear toy, one that is on display, tackles him to the ground and insists that he must return to a box until he is, in essence, bought. This second Buzz clearly believes that he is the real Buzz Lightyear. Buzz (the one we all know and love) puts his head in his hands and says, "tell me I wasn't this delusional".

    And I started to think about how easy it is to begin to believe that we're something we're not. Just because we have the cardboard spaceship, the laser lightbulb, or even the anti-gravity belt, doesn't necessarily mean we can fly.

    What I'm trying to say is, we'd better make good and sure we have what really counts. It's simply not enough to look the part of a Christian. Following the few rules that make up the general western Christian philosophy is not enough to make our relationship with Christ real. Just because you don't engage in the "big 3" (sex, drugs, and beer) doesn't mean that you are holy. And just because someone else does doesn't mean that they are not genuinely accepted by Christ. He has a way of working in the lives of all people... and often, I think it's easier with those who don't think they have it all together...

    Near the end of the movie, both Buzz Lightyears show up in the same place, and the other toys are confused about who the "real" Buzz is. Of course, they are looking for Andy's toy. The "real" Buzz pulls back the other Buzz's helmet (kind of like breaking down our fascade), and he starts to choke. At that point, I thought the toys would recognize the "real" Buzz. But, for a moment, they just stand there looking. Then, Buzz shows them the bottom of his space boot. It says, "Andy," in permanent marker. And now, it's clear to all, who the "real" Buzz is...

    Who signs your feet?


    Comments (1)

    • pomohoro1212
      Beer? What about rock n' roll? Uh, wait, nevermind.......

      Rom. 10:15-21 seems appropriate.

      And, I might add, "Whose feet do you wash?" That has a lot to do with the signature on your own. There, now that I'm humbled into oblivion...

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