Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


By nature, I am a hopeless romantic… a daydreamer… an idealist. But if you met me within the past four years, you probably wouldn't know it… I do not like unfinished business… I like to get what I want… And, I usually get it, too…

But there are those occasions when everything goes terribly wrong. I am not good at letting go, and I tend to spend a great deal of time re-writing the end of the story in my mind until I get it just the way I want it… And I don't give up until it actually happens…

Well, this got me to thinking about Philippians 1:6, and particularly the words, "… He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…" (NIV). Actually, I took it way out of context for my particular situation. It's easy to do…

However, when I found the verse, I went ahead and read the entire passage and realized that I wasn't as far off as I could have been. The words still apply. They just aren't so much for me as they are for those I am so concerned about re-writing the ending with…

So… until the day when God sees fit to bring us back together (and I still believe that day is coming), I am going to go on choosing to believe that He will keep working in you… bringing His work to completion. Ah… one of the hardest life lessons to learn is that it's not all about me…

On a slightly different subject… and a slightly different story… Some 195 pages into my manuscript, I am having trouble getting to the end. I am bored. Please don't read this and think, "Lisa has written a boring book!" In fact, I have not. I am just having trouble wrapping it up now, because I know how it ends… I don't particularly like how it ends… and there's not a whole lot I can do to change it, since it is, after all, a true story. I need to get it done, though. My latest goal is to complete this draft before my school year starts. That gives me about two weeks. All of the editing and "fluff" can come after that point. I don't think it's going to take that long. But I have to wrap it up soon.

Excerpt from Suddenly by TobyMac, on the recording, Portable Sounds:

Sometimes there's nothing left but to believe
And suddenly all of it's behind you
And I'm here to remind you
That yesterday is gone so say goodbye


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