Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final Grades...

... Among other more important life happenings...

So the final grades for the semester are in, and I have earned 2 As and 2 Bs. Overall, I'm alright with that. I am sort of disappointed in myself, because I know that I definitely had the potential to earn a 4.0 this semester (gets a little more elusive every term...), but there were a couple of weeks in there where I had to choose between my grades and my sanity, and since there is precious little of the latter left, I decided to preserve it...

I hope to post about my awesome day at the Children's Museum with Seth and about Caleb's 5th birthday and party in the very near future. Today is a little on the hectic side, but if I can get it done, I will... Keep lookin'!


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