Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, April 30, 2010

Vacationing Close To Home, Part 2...

"Trication": A combination between a trip and a vacation. This particular one involves three parts and includes using our house as a hotel between trips.

Sometimes simple stuff is the most fun...

Originally, we had a semi-expensive, flashy day planned for today. We scrapped that this morning and decided to spend the day at a park in Lafayette. What a great idea! We started out with a picnic and then proceeded to play on a massive playground (divided by appropriate age groups, but we just worked our way around the whole thing) and explore a small zoo (two days in a row for zoos, not bad).

Things I liked best about today: Seth and Grace finally learned to pump. Ian's belly laugh every time we pushed him on the swing. The nice older lady who offered to take a picture of our whole family. Watching my kids climb a tree for the first time. Miah's great big eyes every time she woke up in the baby wrap and looked up at me. Caleb and Phil popping up in the Prairie Dog tunnels with outrageously silly faces. Wallabies. Chick-Fil-A. Blizzards at DQ.

Things I didn't like so much about today: Caleb skinning both knees and one elbow and finding that our first aid kit contained one band-aid. Ian's disdain of public restrooms and therefore his need for several clothes changes (Though it was pretty funny when he told us all to plug our noses but that he wouldn't plug his, since he was the one who pooped!). Miah's sad little look that says, "Please, Mommy, don't ever strap me in that car seat again," and knowing I'm going to do it tomorrow. Unavoidable animals on the road. Crazy wind.

With a family our size, every day is going to have some good stuff and some not so good stuff. But we're trying to make memories... and we're doing a pretty decent job of it, if I do say so myself! We're also making lots of laundry... especially thanks to the ice cream!


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