Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dinosaur Camp, Day 3...

... and Caleb's new glasses.

First, the glasses.  I took a few pics.  Caleb is unhappy.  To tell you the truth, I think I am unhappy, too.  Looking through the lenses, myself, they don't seem to do anything to make things more clear - only larger.  This is what Caleb said, and to be honest I just laughed at first, but after taking a peek the lenses seem sort of like poor quality magnifying glasses (you know, the smudgy looking ones you get at the dollar store).  Not sure exactly what to think, but he is holding books just as close as ever and is sitting about an inch away from the computer screen to read.  Something is not right.  I think he's cute, though:

Now, dinosaur camp...

Today we did a lot of the same basic stuff, but we added Dinosaur pizza and dirt cups (Miah called them, "Snake Snacks") to the mix:

We also made fossils, which was a ton of fun:

Movie of the Day: The Land Before Time

Two more days to go and I am running short on ideas.  I did find some dinosaur cookie cutters in a cabinet today...  We'll see...


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