Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Did I Just Watch A Movie...

... Because I don't think that qualifies!

Alright... I really do have some actual real thoughts that I want to share sometime soon, but for now... another... uh... movie review?

Several years ago, I met some people who thought that Napoleon Dynamite was basically the greatest film to ever hit the shelves... For me... well... that's where it's going to stay... because seriously... who could I even give it away to?

Wow... Now, to be fair, it had some redeeming qualities in the some 6-8 minutes that actually played out like a movie. Really... there was a lot of potential there for a plot. Napoleon, Pedro, and Deb had an endearing friendship going on, and I think they could have worked with that to further examine life in High School. But they didn't.

Why did people enjoy this movie? I am seriously perplexed. Was it enjoyable because they were making fun of Napoleon... just like his classmates... and his family (if you can call it that... totally could have done without the creepy uncle)? Did they somehow relate to this guy, because if they did, I'd think they would have liked to have seen a plot develop. And please... somebody tell me... how could someone actually prefer this film (again, if you can call it that) to High School Musical? I mean... come on... I know I'm a dork and everything and caught up in the HSM craze, because I think the movies are really cute, but I really can't understand how anyone who thinks HSM is stupid could also find Napoleon Dynamite amusing. I'm sure there are lots of people out there who don't like either. That's normal. What I watched last night definitely delved into the abnormal.

Serious moral issues with the movie? It's hard to put into words, but I definitely would not allow my kids to see this, and I won't encourage it when they're older either. When the farmer guy shoots the cow... that's disturbing. And let's not even get into "Bust Must"... any movie with a freaky character who attempts to sell such a thing to teenage girls... well, that's disturbing, too. There wasn't anything overtly "bad" I guess, as in I wouldn't totally flip out if your teenager saw this at some point in a moment of idiocy. I think we hear gosh, heck, darn, flippin, freakin, etc. about... well... to be honest I stopped counting, but other than that there is only one slightly more crude word, and most people probably don't consider it profanity, either (think strong form of "ticked"). I just don't like it.

But really... this movie was a waste of my time... Not worth it's weight in... uh... tater tots? Except that it has confirmed beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will continue to be very happy being a dork. I do not like to wail mournfully. I like to sing...


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