Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Weigh In, April 2008


In March I kinda felt like the human yo-yo...

Bottom line...

3 lbs. That's what I lost. And it's NOT enough...

So, it occurred to me that even though I hate being fat, I obviously don't hate it that much, because I'm not actually willing to do anything about it on a consistent basis...

In April I am going to do something rather gutsy... at least I think it is...

I am going to post my weight here every day.

So, here goes...


Yuck... Lisa proceeds to throw up... Oh, wait... I am not going on the bulimic diet plan this month... Lisa proceeds to hit her head on the computer monitor... over... and over... and over again...

And, yes, my exercise has been sporadic, too. Perhaps I need to log this, daily, as well...

OK... so, today...

0 minutes, 0 miles, 0 calories burned...

Somehow, that didn't make me feel any better...

My goals for this month:

15 lbs, 45-60 minutes a day, lots of fruits and veggies


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think i found your 3 lbs!!!

I need to get off my backside and work off some weight, too. I don't think I'm brave enough to post weight, but I'm watching mine.

If you can find time to exercise, I can, too! does pushing the sweeper around the family room count????
