Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Final Countdown...

Wow... I think it just hit me!!! 3 more days!!! Vacation, here we come!!!

I have just a "few" things to accomplish before we leave...

School (9 assignments, 6 tests or quizzes, 8 discussion boards, and 3 labs) I will never get it all done before we leave, but that's what laptops are for... and... yes... you probably don't even know about Lillian, but she is my new laptop that came at an incredible price... although she was on sale, so her price was not as incredible as it could have been...

Illuminate Tonight (we are having omelets. because let's face it... everyone is on WIC, and we have dozens and dozens of eggs that need to be eaten, since we don't have any friends who need eggs)!

Change Bobby's Water! For crying out loud, the fish is resilient (reminder... 17 cent goldfish here... still swimmin' strong after almost two years in his PH balanced water...), but I don't think he can swim around in that mud much longer! (and, yes, we have a fish sitter... hehehe)

Clean the house! (and especially do the laundry, because you have to have clothes when you go on vacation... you know... not just sweats like we usually wear around here)!

Pack (aforementioned clothes, as well as everything else we own)!

Take Care of Last Minute Church Stuff (like budgets and ordering materials for the children's Christmas program)...

Have Hair Cornrowed by Amazing Friend Who Probably Doesn't Really Have Time to Do it But is Coming Anyway...

Pick Up Trial Contact Lenses (and pray that new glasses and real contact lenses arrive on the front porch by tomorrow)!

Activate Disney Dream Reward Dollars!

Sleep... Eat (but not too much)... Sleep Again...

So, now you have my list of things to do, even though you probably didn't need it!

Starting October 26, I plan to make posts, pics, and videos available for each day of our trip! Please check back frequently... and leave comments, because I like comments, and no one ever leaves comments!!!


1 comment:

. said...

Uh...I'm doing YOUR list...that's not good! (OK, so just 1 thing (the contact lenses) and only because I was there anyway...but still...)