Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Card Holiday...

I stink at Valentine's Day.  Since this is a "back blog", I should probably admit that I bought Phil's card on the 15th this year...  the day after V-Day (and also, his birthday, which... you know... means I went through the check-out lane with two cards...  I went through the self check-out, because it was so embarrassing...)

He, of course, came home with a beautiful card... and flowers... and gifts for the children...

At first I was a little surprised when he called just Grace and Miah into the kitchen and presented Grace with flowers and both of the them with candy (Miah knows how to eat her candy, let me tell ya.  She was like, "I sit on the chair.  Open it.  I eat chocolate!").  Then, however, he called the boys in and gave them each a two liter of pop.  He's probably crazy, but they thought it was the best Valentine's Day gift possible!

So...  "Daddy" is the only Valentine she's ever going to need, right?

"Oh my goodness...  I'm so excited...
I've eaten eight Hershey's Kisses
and no one is trying to stop me!"
 Yeah...  It's gonna be a long night:

I did make heart shaped pizza... and cheese and bacon stuffed breadsticks...  I guess that counts for something!


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