Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rivaling Tuesday…

Wow… what a Friday!

On the way out the door for Ian’s music class, I suddenly remembered that I had volunteered to bring my clarinet… My 20+ year old clarinet that thankfully had some cork grease and a whole box of new reeds stuffed in the case.  Upon quickly reviewing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” part of “If I were a Rich Man,” and half a chromatic scale… we got in the van.  By the time we got to class I could only remember “Twinkle, Twinkle”.  Part of “The Overture of 1812” came back to me later in the day.  I should probably actually purchase some music and play again…

 Ian was the only one of the kids who could actually produce a real note...
Just ignore the hand position...

When we arrived home, I instructed the kids to play and not make a mess.  Why I ever issue such instructions is completely beyond me.  You cannot both play and not make a mess!  I threw a variety of frozen foods into the over and deep fryer and proceeded to create the Upward flyer for this week… and to go over the Upward cheerleading devotional for practice later in the day.

And then it was playdate time…

One of these weeks, the kids’ BFFs are going to be the picture of the day for Friday, but it sure wasn’t this week, and it won’t be next week, either!

Dropped the boys and Miah off at home and headed to cheerleading with Grace, who was just a little bit irritated with me, because she apparently thought ice cream for dinner on Friday nights was going to become a tradition…

Got a phone call from Phil on the way home.  Turns out no one had eaten dinner, so he ordered pizza and Grace and I picked it up… along with some ice cream, after all, and then we proceeded to eat and watch “Bambi”.
 Mmmm...  Pizza Time:

None of the kids had ever seen “Bambi”.  It was a Christmas present for someone (I think Ian), two Christmases ago…  Miah was way too into it, and I was second guessing myself because I didn’t think she was going to handle Bambi’s mother’s demise too well.  Thankfully, she fell asleep before the gun shot… even in the midst of my spilling a whole cup of Wild Cherry Pepsi on the futon, soaking both myself and Phil…

Our weekends are so hectic right now, so I’m glad we had the chance to have some family time tonight… even if we are going to be tired in the morning…


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