Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to Upward...

Tonight was Grace's first cheerleading practice of the season...

Have I ever mentioned that I love Upward?

I was involved in a community cheerleading "league" for 6 years as a kid. It was a lot of fun and the absolute only thing I have ever been able to do in the realm of athletic activity. So, I naturally hoped that my daughters would be cheerleaders someday, too...

Unfortunately, most of the cheerleading options that now exist (even for really little girls) tend to be on the sleazy side, if you ask me... which you didn't... but this is my blog after all...

I love that Upward cheerleading teaches character and the importance of Christlikeness...

I love that my 10 year old is fully clothed and not expected to be invisible behind a wall of make-up while jumping around a gymnasium, giving high fives, and screaming her lungs out...

I love that the volunteers for our Upward league are people that I want my child to look up to and emulate...

Thank You!


1 comment:

Alison Brantley said...

I couldn't love this blog post any more if I had written it myself. :)