Happiest Place on Earth

Happiest Place on Earth

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Just Had...

... the best fight I've had on facebook in a long time.

Yeah... that wasn't so fun.

Here's the irony...

The last "fight" I had was because apparently I do not understand the concept of submission... as in I am not submissive enough... think women have more God given "rights" than they do... am living with too much freedom... and do not understand women's roles (uh... pastor's wife... stay at home, homeschooling mom of 5... yeah...)

This one was because apparently I do not understand the concept of submission... as in I am too submissive... have given over all of my God given "rights" to my husband... am living as a slave... and do not understand women's roles (uh... pastor's wife... stay at home homeschooling mom of 5... and loving it... yeah...)

The funniest parts about all of this are that:
1. My views and lifestyle haven't changed at all between "fights".
2. None of this had anything to do with my husband, and we are very happy.
3. The post got deleted.

Can I just say, "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity" (Augustine... or Wesley... or Bresee... Let's face it, nobody really knows who said it first).


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